The Search by Sudha Srivatsan

The search a tad curioser
Than a cuckoo’s serenade
Hastily pitched

Like letting go of a nest
It never seemed interested in
The blank look of a peckish crow

Pretending ignorance
Disguising its jealous guard
Imploding in its artlessness

Pecking away its echo
With a wry caw
That deters ground squirrels

From returning to tree hollows
Twisted crossroads prevail
Just no journeys remain


Sudha Srivatsan was born and raised in India. Her work has appeared in several journals including Commonline Journal, Tower Journal, Indiana Voice Journal, BlazeVox, Carcinogenic, Bewildering Stories, Leaves of Ink, Subterranean Blue, Corner Club press, MadSwirl, BurningWord among others. Her work was also selected to be part of Storm Cycle’s 2015 Best Of anthology.

To view more from this author pick up a copy of the Spring/Summer 2018 issue of The Stray Branch.