Daniel de Culla

Featured Contributor Spring/Summer 2021

Daniel de Culla (1955) is a writer, poet, and photographer. He is also a member of the Spanish Writers Association, Earthly Writers International Caucus, Poets of the World, and others. Director of Gallo Tricolor Review, and Robespierre Review. He has participated in Festivals of Poetry, and Theater in Madrid, Burgos, Berlin, Minden, Hannover and Genève .He has exposed in many galleries from Madrid, Burgos, London, and Amsterdam. He is moving between North Hollywood, Madrid and Burgos, Spain. His address is in Burgos, just now. He has more than 70 published books.


 In Moradillo de Roa lands
 On the banks of Burgos
 Going down to Uncle Julio's almond trees
 From the Rita winery
 Almost dizzy
  I saw a green monkey
 On top of a branch.
 -How handsome he is! I told myself
 -Little monkey,  monkey
 Where did you come from?
 Look that you have courage.
 What are you doing there
 Uploaded on that branch?
 Don't you know you can fall
 And hurt?
 The monkey answered me:
 --No, I'm not going to hurt myself
 Because I have seven lives like cats.
 There is a very pretty girl
 That comes to see me
 Three times in the week
 But as you do not come
 To Rita's cellar
 When she comes
 Because Moradillo don't like you
 I can't invite her
 And I spend the day
 Like an anchoret
 Trying to crack
 Some almond tree with the tail.
 - Oh, idiot, how cute!
 As you find favor with me
 And now people are at festivity
 Well occupied
 I will take you with me
 To the Rita’s pergola 
 And for some roasted black puddings
 And some salami ​​to the wine
 That I’m going to give you
 You have to delight us
 With some of your funny things.
 -That's done. But wait
 My dear Daniel
 That over there is coming
 That little girl
 And I want to see her happy
 Making to her lovely things. 



To see more of Daniel’s work from this issue pick up your copy here.