I Don’t Care
you decide.
Toeing the sands
coins in a purple felt bag
Crown Royal my father drank
I stole a pringles can with $50
in it from a car once
blessing ourselves
nasal spray at 4 am
mosquitos marvel
at the blue remainder of VHS tape
A veil and a shave
cheese cutter on the registry
eyes hurt as bad as earth
on fire with a video game and 10% off
veins on the back of my hand
leeches that I cannot picture
Should we go?
Henry Goldkamp lives in New Orleans with his wife and three dogs. Most important to him is the spirit of gratitude and realizing how damn lucky all this is. He has been recently published in Mudfish, Le Wobble, Asinine Poetry, Espresso Poets’ Review and others. If you want to know more about him and his work, simply google search “Henry Goldkamp” with a fresh drink of your choice—there’s plenty to read.