Daginne Aignend is a pseudonym for the Dutch poetess Inge Wesdijk.She started to write English poetry four years ago and posted some of her poems on her Facebook page and on her website. She likes hardrock music, photography and fantasy books.Daginne is a vegetarian and spends a lot of time with her animals.
Stages of Grief
While he climbed up the stairs of his bedraggled apartment
He has been devoured by a possessive ardent rage
In a split second, she was taken by an unexpected cruel fate
No way his grieving mind can process nor comprehend
How his life changed into a doleful, bewildered stage
Only lead by the unstoppable desire to release his hate
Sitting in the cold dark room in his favorite splotchy rickety chair
His veins bulged, strained as he grasps the half-full bottle of bourbon
Overwhelmed by pain when shards of glass are splintering in his hands
Sudden the desperation, he’s paralyzed, just sitting down and stare
How can he, oh God help me, mitigate this immense inhuman bourdon
It’s a solitary search in the desert only to find a drop of revenge
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