Black Sky by Aaron Wiley ~ Featured Poem

Fall/Winter 2016 ~ Features #18 Vol 14



tree-sky-birdsBlack Sky


The stars sag like light bulbs

anticipating the pull of the string,

missing the first pull that started them all.

It’s mostly empty up there,

a cocoon of some sort that holds no

butterfly, a shell that anthropologists

gather around like bugs,

studying the emptiness, so intently

they find themselves inside of it.

~ Aaron Wiley

Photo by Debbie Berk ©2016


Aaron Wiley writes on various topics ranging from denial to love, and much in between. He has been
published in his school’s magazine (at Joliet Junior College) and even has his own chapbook. Some
of Aaron’s influences are dark poets themselves, such as Emily Dickinson and Sylvia Plath.